*(You notice a small plaque with words on it next to the buttons.)
"In the year 2005. Our wonderful CEO John Milhous Biwwo had a dream. This dream was to build a place where all of the world's knowledge and creativity was housed. This would be called Biwwo Estates. In 2008 the first plans for this complex were drafted up. In 2011 construction had gone underway. In 2020, the Covid 19 pandemic nearly bankrupted John Milhous Biwwo's $1.7 Trillion Dollar Company- Biwwo Cyber Mechanical Industries. After liquidating 70% of his company's stock in 2021; John Milhouse Biwwo was saved from bankruptcy. After 10 years of construction, Biwwo Estates was mostly completed. Unfortunately there was not enough money in the company budget to continue. Biwwo was forced to sell the remaining floors (10+) to a mysterious government contractor only known as E.Y.E" (E.verything Y.ou know will E.nd)
Time Coordinates (Gregorian calendar),Date Format (U.S. STANDARD) 7/25/24. Universal Positioning...Orion-Cygnus arm, Milky Way Galaxy